Home heating system

How does using a heat pump with a furnace increase the efficiency of your home’s heating system?

If you’re looking for ways to improve the working efficiency of the home heating system of your house, a hybrid system that is able to use an air source heat pump in conjunction with the already existing furnace of your house may be the perfect option for you. This efficient home heating system can easily reduce the heating bills of the house by about 30 percent.

The heat pump of this home heating system can condense the heat present in the outside air—mainly down to near about 30-degrees Fahrenheit, which may vary according to the region and also the amount of moisture present in the atmosphere — and then can pump it inside your home. When the temperature reduces below the freezing point, there’s not much heat in the air to make the home hot with only the pump, so in those cases, the gas furnace helps a lot in providing sufficient warmth. In the warm weather, it can reverse the heat extraction process, which is, taking heat from the inside air of the house and then just releasing it outside. That way, the air of the inside area stays cool when it’s much warmer outside.

Hence, many homeowners plan to install the heat pumps with furnaces for their reliability and high efficiency. It’s important to maintain that heating system properly to get the most out of the heat pumps.

Things to do to increase the efficiency of your home by a heat pump with a furnace

Ensure that the thermostat is properly paired with the heat pump:

 Most thermostats are also designed to work with the common configurations of the heat pump.  They also can support some stages of both heating and cooling and can also run the heat pump to maximize comfort and reducing the costs energy.    Some systems are powered with an outdoor temperature sensor that is powered by the logic to determine when there is a need of supplemental heating, even if the room thermostat gets turned up suddenly.

Adjusting the pump during winter:

When you need to adjust the thermostat during the months of winter, don’t make big jumps in the upward or downward setting of the temperature.  Making sudden adjustments to the upward direction can easily activate the backup heater, which is not very good.  Just keep in mind that heat pumps can circulate that kind of air which will feel relatively cool coming out of the vent, but that is actually warm enough to give the entire house a good amount of heat. Unlike a gas furnace, which can easily blast hot air for some minutes and then turns it off, those heat pumps can run much longer, also are much more cost-effective.

Setting the temperature back:

Further, at night setting the temperature back is not very important for the heat pumps or home heating systems with two-stage thermostats.  The reason is turning the heat back at the time of morning could easily activate the heater present for backup resistance, which is able to clear out any savings of energy from turning it down overnight.  If you want to turn down the temperature at night, raise the setting slowly a few degrees at a time in the morning and also carefully check the thermostat light to ensure that the backup heating has not been activated.

All of these steps will definitely help you to increase the efficiency of your home or the home heating system by using a heat pump with a furnace. For the most efficient home heating system, you can call Airplex Mechanical.


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